How to Dance Cha-Cha Lock Steps
Aaron: Hi guys, I'm Aaron.
Christina: And I'm Christina.
Aaron: We're coming at you today from Dance Times Square, here in New York City. And today we're going to be talking about the cha-cha lock steps. Now this is a really cool element and one of my favorites. Works as a great alternative to our cha-cha running steps and in our chase turns, so we're going to take a look at these.
Starting again with our basic action, starting with our left leg to our side, one, two, three. Now from here we're going to take our right leg and take a forward step, and then lead with crossing our left foot behind, bringing our knees together. And then following that up with another forward step with our right foot, and then two, three.
And reversing it now, a little trickier stepping back, crossing our right foot over our left, and then stepping back again on our left, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, ending to the side, cha-cha one. Back into our side basic, and that's how you do the cha-cha lockstep.
Now let's try that with a partner. And one, two, three, lowering our handhold, so as we have an open space in which to use this leg action, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one, two, three, cha-cha one. Now let's try that with some music.