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How to Make a Portable Camp Toilet

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Is it easy to build your own portable camp toilet? Does a bear you-know-what in the woods?


  • Step 1: Use the toilet. Open the bag of substrate, and layer the bottom of the waste bag with an inch of substrate. Add more substrate each time you use the camp toilet.
  • Step 2: Tie up the waste bag with a zip tie when you are done, and remove it from the portable toilet. Dispose of it properly in a dumpster. Store your substrate bag and the scoop in the bucket for use on your next camping trip.
  • FACT: Ancient Romans used lead regularly in their daily lives, including in the pipes for their plumbing systems, and it has been suggested by scholars that lead poisoning was a factor in the decline of Rome.
  • Step 3: Bring a roll of toilet paper in a dry bag with you on your camping trip.
  • Step 4: Prepare the substrate you will use to neutralize the smell of the waste. Fill one of the plastic bags halfway with sawdust or wood chips, and zip tie it shut. Carry this bag, along with the laundry scoop, wherever you go with your camp toilet.
  • Step 5: Attach the snap-on toilet seat with the lid to the mouth of the bucket. Push down on it until it snaps into place. Your camp toilet is built.
  • TIP: Cut a hole in an old lawn chair and use it as an alternative seat for your camp toilet.
  • Step 6: Line the bucket with a plastic bag to catch and hold the waste.

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